+44 (0)1491 825622
Executive and leadership coaching time

Traditional coaching programmes – three to six?
A programme of typically three or six sessions to work through goals, issues, thoughts, opinions and feelings for future positive outcomes.
Advanced coaching skills and knowledge are integrated to build deeper insight.  This is achieved by the coach and the leader working together insightfully to raise awareness of patterns of behaviour, to get under the surface and use useful tools to support transition and change.
This can be face to face coaching at your office or offsite, remote coaching or a combination of face to face that works for you along side your other commitments.

The thinking partnership coaching session
This is a thinking session that can be used as an approach within a traditional coaching programmes or as a stand alone session.  Ideally a coaching relationship is already established for this to be most effective.

Ad hoc coaching
Once the coaching relationship is established we can work flexibly with you to achieve time  to think, working through current issues, thoughts, opinions and feelings, providing space for you to come to your solution.

Psychometric tool feedback and coaching time
Specific tool feedback sessions can be useful in making sense of your current situation and for building deeper insight of yourself, how you relate to others and effectiveness in an organisation.
We use a range of psychometric tools and our core tools are 16pf, MBTI Step I and II, TKI and FIRO-B.
The feedback session is 90 minutes and the test is completed online before the feedback session.

Costs of coaching time and programmes
The cost of coaching time and sessions depends on the number of sessions and the mix of face to face and remote coaching.  Please call to talk and work through which programme works best for you and your business commitments for a coaching time quote.


Get in Touch!

For more information on group coaching in your business environment please contact: Kristina Crabbe, Innoxy Executive Coaching Practice, +44 (0)771 429 1907

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