The state of Global Coach Supervision
Peter Hawkins, Carol Whitaker, and Kristina Crabbe
8th International Conference in Coaching Supervision at Oxford Brookes University, May 2019
Following a collaborative enquiry (Global Supervisors Network (GSN) held on 6/7 December 2018) into the global state of coaching supervision chaired by Peter Hawkins: Whitaker, C and Crabbe, K (2019) The global challenges of coaching supervision. Coaching at Work. March/ April, Vol 14, Issue2, 13-16.
The challenges identified:
1. Definition – common understanding of stakeholders and outcomes
2. Research – outcome based and around ROI
3. Engaging organisational buyers and managers of coaching
4. Different regions at different stages on journey
5. Professional bodies are not aligned
6. Coaches are not always educated in how to get value from supervision
Nex steps
1. Sharing best practice
2. Research outcomes based and (ROI)
3. Clarifying and demonstrating
4. Engaging stakeholders
5. Embedding how to be a proactive supervisee in initial coach training